Breeding of MINIATURE AMERICAN SHEPHERD and CORGI in Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France
Our mediator attached to the SNPCC:

The Miniature American Shepherd Breed
Basically, the Miniature Australian Shepherd, also called Mini Australian Shepherd, is not a separate breed, but the miniature version of the Australian Shepherd .
It was during the 1960s that a California woman acquired some small Australian Shepherds that were used in rodeos. Excited by their small size and encouraged by her veterinarian, she began a breeding program based on crossing close relatives (called inbreeding) and selecting individuals based on their size. This resulted in a wide range of sizes, with some puppies reaching 13 to 14 inches in height as adults, while others reached 20 inches.
These dogs were registered as Australian Shepherds in the NSDR (National Stock Dog Registry), the official registry of the breed, and it was not until much later that the Miniature Australian Shepherd was recognized as a distinct breed. Indeed, it was not until the Australian Shepherd was recognized as a breed by the AKC (American Kennel Club) and ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) that the Miniature Australian Shepherd was distinguished from its close relative by a new name: North American Shepherd, or North American Miniature Australian Shepherd, as others would also call it.
In 1993, the year the Australian Shepherd was fully recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club), the Miniature Australian Shepherd, which competed precisely under the name Australian Shepherd , had to change its name. A new name was chosen by the management of the breed club: the Miniature Australian Shepherd, or Mini Australian Shepherd.
Since then, the popularity of the Miniature Australian Shepherd has continued to grow. Today, it is as popular as the Australian Shepherd , because they share the same qualities.
Since then, the popularity of the Miniature Australian Shepherd has continued to grow. Today, it is as popular as the Australian Shepherd , because they share the same qualities.
The result is a lively and intelligent companion, agile and obedient, devoted to its masters and a good guardian of its home.
Avec son expression alerte, attentive et intelligente, le Berger Américain Miniature possède toutes les qualités d'un petit chien de berger dont il présente un instinct prononcé pour la conduite et la garde des troupeaux. Facile à éduquer, capable de répondre à des sollicitations variées lui permettant d'évoluer dans différentes disciplines sportives, le BAM demeure pourtant réservé avec les personnes qui ne lui sont pas familières. Mais une fois qu'il a "fait connaissance", il devient un compagnon de jeu endiablé, et capable de réelles prouesses, grâce à son agilité et sa petite taille.

Size, Proportions and Substance:
Size: The height for males should be between 35.5 cm and 45.5 cm at the withers included. The height for females should be between 33 cm and 43 cm at the withers included.
Disqualification: Below 35.5 cm and above 45.5 cm for males. Below 33 cm and above 43 cm for females. The minimum heights set out in this breed standard will not apply to dogs under six months of age.
Proportions: The length, measured from the point of the sternum to the point of the buttock, is slightly greater than the height, measured from the top of the withers to the ground.
Substance: A solid build with medium bone for its size and weight. The dog's structure reflects masculinity without being too coarse for males. Females appear feminine without being too light.

Living in the city
His small size, his grooming reduced to the strict minimum, his adaptability and listening skills, greatly facilitate his life and his education in the city. But like all shepherds, he needs to exercise and "empty" his excess energy. Beautiful walks and runs in the forest are essential for him to maintain his tone, his physical shape and his cheerful character.

Food and health
Ce chien solide et rustique, à l'image de ses ancêtres ne pose pas de problème particulier à la gamelle. Sa santé est celle d'un chien issu de générations de chiens de travail, même si de nombreux acquéreurs font la démarche pour avoir un chien de compagnie facile à vivre. N'oubliez jamais d'où il vient, car il mérite des activités physiques régulières afin de garder la ligne et le punch.
Sur le plan de la santé, il est vivement conseiller de faire l'acquisition d'un chiot issu de géniteurs et de lignées où les principaux tests et examens recommandés ont été réalisés (AOC, MDR1, APR-prcd,DM .)