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Welcoming your puppy

The arrival of your puppy!

Everyone must be happy and excited at home. It's normal, these little balls of fur are so cute. But be careful, you have to prepare for it in advance. The arrival of a puppy should not be taken lightly.

You have to be ready in terms of "materials" of course (basket, bowl, toys), but there are lots of things to know so that everything goes well that day, but also in the weeks that follow for the start of his education .

If this is your first puppy, there are most certainly things you don't know or don't think about (veterinarian, dewormer and so on). So I decided to help you prepare for his arrival by giving you some advice. Do you have a pen and paper? Then take notes so you don't forget anything!

The arrival of a puppy is an event in a family. The fact that it is small and cute excites everyone, especially children. Of course, a puppy is a living stuffed animal, but make them understand that it has just left its mother, brothers and sisters and is arriving in an unknown place with people they are seeing for the first time.

So he will be disoriented, lost, disturbed. There is no question of him becoming a children's toy, of him being passed from arm to arm, from caress to caress. I insist on this point. You have to give him some quiet time. Of course you can caress him, but not constantly and not everyone at the same time.

Where will he sleep?

Even before he arrives, think about where he will sleep. The best is in the corner of a room and where there is the least traffic. Why? Because when your puppy is in his basket, it is to rest and sleep and not to bother him or play with him. When he is in his basket, we simply leave him alone.

The choice of the basket

Ah, the moment when the whole family goes to a store to choose the most beautiful basket... except that it is the most beautiful, we don't really care and it must above all be adapted to the puppy and not forget that your puppy will become... An adult, take a basket of its size at the beginning.

Wicker baskets are certainly aesthetic, but I do not recommend them. First, because a puppy chews everything , especially the wicker in its basket, and it can hurt itself. It is also not hygienic if it pees in it (it can quickly happen when it is very small) and you will have more difficulty getting rid of the smell than with another model.

Plastic baskets are less pretty, but are very practical . Easy to clean, sturdy, with a cover, your puppy will love it.

You can also take a DouMou that you put in the washing machine.




Bowls, containers, bowls, whatever you call them, get a stainless steel or ceramic model. Plastic containers usually end up chewed.

Of course you need a bowl for drinking with water and one for food.

We start with chicken kibble chosen with our PROPLAN nutritionist, we advise you to continue at least until the puppy is 6 months old with the same kibble.

These are quality kibbles, good protein, and few cereals, no animal by-products, they can be found on the internet or in pet stores.


PROPLAN croquettes


High quality chicken (20%) (including back and chest)
Dehydrated poultry protein
Rice (7%)
Animal fats
Soy flour
Dehydrated beet pulp
Corn protein flour
Wheat gluten
Mineral substances
Dehydrated eggs
Fish oil

Nutrition and analytical constituents

Humidity: 8.0%
Protein: 28.0%
Fat: 17.0%
Carbohydrates: 37.5%
Crude Cellulose: 2.0%
Crude ash: 7.5%

Nutrient content & average caloric intake in food

Calcium: 1.43%
Phosphorus: 0.98%
Sodium: 0.51%
Chlorine: 0.75%
Potassium: 0.68%
Magnesium: 0.11%
Linoleic acid: 2.7%
Omega 3 0.3%
Omega 3 2.2%
DHA: 0.07%
EPA+DHA: 0.17%

Iron 24.1;
Zinc: 17.1;
Copper: 2.0;
Manganese: 6.5;
Iodine: 0.259;
Selenium: 0.043.

Vit. A: 23887;
Vit. D3: 1169;
Vit. E: 474.

Vit. K: 0.18;
Vit. C: 70;
Vit. B1: 32;
Vit. B2: 16;
Vit. B3: 187;
Vit. B5: 53;
Vit. B6: 18;
Vit. B8: 0.24;
Vit. B9: 5.38;
Vit. B12: 0.29;
Choline: 1882;
Taurine: 948.

Metabolizable energy (calculated) 3.949 kcal/g

But still...


Get toys that are appropriate for his age. Your puppy will like to chew on everything and this is normal behavior. So, choose chew toys so that your puppy can test his teeth on them. When you buy it, check that it is not toxic, that it is durable and that it is not too hard for his teeth. For classic toys, there is no shortage of choice: tug-of-war, balls, rings, etc.

The leash and the collar

You can take your puppy out from 2 months, after his CPH injection, taking a few precautions, avoid dirty city areas where there are a lot of cats. You can get your puppy used to wearing a collar at home. Take a nylon and adjustable model for example. They get bigger as the puppy grows. You can choose a harness. It's up to you!

I recommend the True Love model (on Amazon), size S then M for adults.

Secure the house

The house is dangerous for a dog and domestic accidents with serious consequences happen every day. Hide electrical wires, because if your puppy chews them, he risks electrocution. Remove knick-knacks, cleaning and gardening products, put plants out of his reach, in short, do a spring cleaning in the house and make it safe.

Organize outings

To teach him to be clean, in particular, you will have to take him out regularly. About every two hours. Talk to your family and organize this well. He will also need to be present at the beginning, because I remind you that he has just left his mother. It is destabilizing for him. So be very present at the beginning.

Plan a visit to the vet 1 month after arrival.

Start looking into vets near you. You're going to have to go there for vaccinations.

Image de Nick Fewings

Le jour J

Ca y est c’est le grand jour. Un chiot n’a pas l’habitude de la voiture. Allez-y avec quelqu’un qui le prendra sur ses genoux pour le rassurer. C’est toujours mieux que derrière et seul la première fois. Comme je vous le disais, votre chiot n’a pas l’habitude de la voiture.

Ne vous inquiétez donc pas s’il vomit un peu ou s’il a de la diarrhée. C’est fréquent et c’est pour ça que la plupart des éleveurs ne donnent pas à manger au chiot quelques heures avant le départ. Pensez donc à prendre une couverture en cas de petits accidents.

Avant de quitter l’élevage, nous vous renseignerons sur ce qu'il mange et à quel rythme.

Attention au changement brusque de nourriture qui peut provoquer des problèmes de digestion et des diarrhées.

Une fois, arrivé chez vous, montrez-lui son panier et laissez-le tranquille un moment. Vous verrez que de lui-même il va finir par explorer sa nouvelle maison.

Ensuite vient le moment du repas. Il faudra faire en sorte que ce soit au même endroit et à la même heure (environ). N’oubliez pas de le sortir après son repas, car faire ses besoins à ce moment-là est presque automatique.

Et la première nuit ?

Je sais la question que vous vous posez. Est-ce que mon chien peut dormir dans notre chambre les premières nuits pour le rassurer ?

Je vais vous répondre simplement.

Si vous décidez de le faire dormir avec vous, vous pouvez, c'est selon le feeling de chacun...

Vous pouvez les 2 ou 3 premières nuits, car il va être perdu de quitter sa maman, sa fratrie, mais le jour où vous déciderez qu’il est assez grand pour dormir seul, il ne comprendra pas est pleurera surement.

Si vous prenez la sage décision de le faire dormir dans l’endroit que vous avez prévu, il est probable que les premières nuits il pleure. C’est très dur je le sais, mais il va falloir tenir bon. N’allez pas le voir, même pour le rassurer. Quand il entendra votre voix, il s’arrêtera, rassuré, mais dès que vous partirez, il recommencera.

Si vous n’y allez pas, il finira par se lasser je vous assure et il s’endormira. Il réveillera peut-être dans la nuit, gémira à nouveau et... se rendormira. Les premières nuits sont difficiles il faut vous y attendre. Mais petit à petit, tout va s’arranger.

Et enfin le dressage

Avant même l’arrivée de votre chien, vous pouvez commencer à prévoir et regarder les différentes méthodes de dressage pour les chiots. Ce n’est pas une perte de temps croyez moi. Il existe plusieurs techniques de dressage, donc ce n’est pas le choix qui manque.

Apprendre les ordres de base à votre chiot est important et je dirais même essentiel. La cohabitation sera bien meilleure pour tout le monde. Dès les premiers jours, n’acceptez pas qu’il aille dans les endroits interdits de la maison par exemple. S’il fait pipi, sortez-le pour qu’il comprenne.

Ce sont des exemples, mais qui font partie du dressage d’un chiot.

Vous êtes prêt à accueillir enfin votre nouveau compagnon et c’est le début d’une longue complicité !

We advise you to acquire before its arrival:

Before your baby arrives, you need to prepare a kit: a puppy playpen, a cushion, a basket or soft mat, absorbent blue squares, toys, a collar with a medal and a harness, a leash, dronstop dewormer (puppies are MDR1-free), 2 bowls.

You will leave the farm with a practical start-up sheet and a surprise.

We also offer a range of products at negotiated prices: basket, toys, brush, shampoo, car leash, collar, lead... that we can order for you.


A plastic basket

IMG_3372 2.jpg

A puppy park




Un harnais ergonomique 


His usual kibble


a vetbed

Jouets pour animaux

what you need...

 Shih Tzu avec des jouets

un doudou

Image de Scott Walsh

Leash and collar, and line

Chien soigné

A shampoo for your toilet

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